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Fall semester will feature Illustrator
Spring semester will feature Photoshop
1. The home page of your portfolio website should introduce yourself and explain what your site is about. For example, Mr. Knight's Digital Art Portfolio see example
2. The Illustrator Gallery (fall) and/or the Photoshop Gallery (spring) should have a minimum of 5 examples of your digital art. All the work needs to have a title.
3. The About Me/Inspiration page needs to have a minimum of 5 things that you want to share. Each item needs to have an image and text (2-4 sentences).
4. You can videos and audio players, or other fun things that you find in Wix.
How to turn in your Wix site
Step 1. Click Publish

Step 2. High light the URL.
Copy (Command C)

Step 3. Email the URL that you just copied to
Paste (Command V) the URL into the body of the email.
Please put your name in the subject line.

WARNING - Do not use your school email to send me your Wix URL - It will NOT make it.
Use your personal email to send me the Wix URL
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